Mariya amin
2 min readMay 23, 2021



As cliché as it may sound, we as humans are flawed in ways more than we can ever begin to fathom, it is like we were designed that way. But our desire to achieve perfection is innate; I haven’t met anyone in all these years that I have survived in this world who was completely content with themselves. Some didn’t like their hair, nose, the alignment of their teeth, or the way they smiled while some had physiological issues and couldn’t function the way that a normal person does. It’s like God purposefully made us that way so we could work towards something our whole lives. Now, these things aren’t just limited to our physical self but extend towards our mental state as well.

Perfection and Mental Health

The strive for perfection is a constant struggle and manifests to some serious mental illnesses as well, leaving a person in dire need of some psychological help. This is not just draining on the persons’ mental and physical health but also on their emotional well-being and social behavior. One of the mental disorders is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).


BDD is a mental health condition where the person suffering spends a major chunk of their time and energy worrying about their physical appearance. The twist is that these flaws are mostly unnoticeable to others, so for someone else, the person suffering from BDD appears delusional. However, the illness is real and can be diagnosed and treated, and if not it can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. It is important to identify such people around us and uplift them and encourage them to seek help instead of shaming and stereotyping them.


Log in to your social media profiles and oh God that world is FLAWLESS. Everyone is so immaculately dressed, with pristine skin, flawless makeup, perfect teeth, and a body to die for! Social media is impressionable and with everything being so perfect it can make everyone feel insecure about their “Normal” selves. It is just that we have created this world ourselves, so shallow and fake and now we are trapped. Trapped in our own imperfectly perfect bodies, our insecurities, our complexes, and our mediocrity that now all of this feels too good to be true. There’s a whole world that exists, outside of the social media village, which functions differently (Re: normally), and it is becoming for us to exist there. I am not saying that everyone on social media is portraying the wrong picture, no there is tons of positivity there as well but drawing that line between right and where it starts to affect us negatively is becoming increasingly difficult. However, it only starts affecting you when you let it affect you.

Remember, no one is as perfect as they portraying to be. So do not lose yourself in this race, we are all replaceable and there will always be someone better than you. So just try to be the best version of who you are, not the perfect version, and the world will seem brighter to you.



Mariya amin

Gathering all my thoughts in one place so that I can sleep better at night.